Anthony Dolot

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Virtual House Calls

Q: Do you provide tele-therapy? Can you guide Neuromuscular Reeducation Exercises via Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime?

A: The short answer is: yes—but effective tele-therapy requires some preparation. Fist, you should prepare yourself as you would for a an in-person session. Wear appropriate cloths and shoes. Gather all equipment you may need for the exercises. Familiarize yourself with the tele-conferencing platform. Arrange your computer, phone, or camera so you may view and hear my instructions. Make sure there is enough room to perform your exercises. Lighting and camera-angle is important as well: I will need to see what you are doing. In general, our virtual sessions will have same routines like face-to-face consultations. Although patients who cannot stand or walk alone will need a help of assistant(s). 

Tele-therapy can substitute some face to face consultations—but it is resource-intensive. If you would like to give it a try, please contact me by email for a free preliminary assessment.